Thursday, October 21, 2010

which answers the following questions: do you play games in your free time? yes i do which ones do you play and why are they your favorite? my favorite game is mx versuse atv unleased because its ab bout four wheelers and dirt bikes. Does Globaloria give you a new perspective about playing games? Why or why not? no because it dose take tim to work on making games and yes because i think that its cool how i learnd how to make games so i realy dont care i stil think that its easy to make games because if i can do it any body can do it  its just that easy.


  1. Hi Billy,

    I know what you mean when you say, "if i can do it any body can do it;" however, it still is not very easy ... at least for me!

    Mrs. Molnar

  2. you sound confident...good luck =)
